Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Aww Plants.. You Shouldn't Have...

Last Wednesday I went for a walk at Columbus Park after getting some delicious Chinese pastries to celebrate my birthday. Columbus park isn't all that well maintained from a horticultural perspective, but I do really enjoy the plant palette and the community that meets in the park. The park is right in the heart of China Town so the park hosts the typical asian palette of evergreen shrubs and white and pink woody material. There are always locals playing cards and mahjong. Most times I've walked through I have also noticed either a band or choir performing traditional music. 

The locals were out on Wednesday. I saw plenty of people playing cards and there were kids in the new athletic field ( I guess 2004.. isn't all that new). I even watched some woman walk up and down the pavilion steps about 25 times while I drank my bubble tea. I checked out their collection of Cercis and wondered if the trampled ground cover was Sarcococca when I came upon this sight....

 Dumb cherry trees can't even tell that it's December.

Might I then add that I also noticed that not one lamp in this entire park had lightbulbs... weird. Also when you go into the pavilion some sort of recording is played that tells me that my picture has been taken and any illegal activities I have accomplished have been recorded... even weirder.

I was pretty disturbed by our seemingly evergreen Hydrangeas in the park, but this is just ridiculous. I hope our bulbs don't come out of dormancy, the crocus is already coming up. Hopefully we'll have flowers this spring and not just a bud blast.

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