Sunday, March 18, 2012

Winter Field Trips

So, you're a gardener. What do you do in the winter?

Alot of stuff happens in the winter. I won't go through all of it in this post (mostly because painting and mopping aren't out of the job description) but alot of pruning takes place in the winter. Tools need sharpening, designs need to be made for the next year, records need to be maintained and of course, I pray that all snow falls on my rdos.

One thing we've been doing this year is checking out other parks to see what sort of systems they have in place and how they manage every day problems.

(The Bottom line is, I was looking through all of the random things I took photos of this winter and found it rather amusing.)

These pictures are from Battery Park/Battery Park City. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't confused about the naming scheme. They both make up the southern tip of Manhattan. Just connect them and get it over with. We also came across some other really awesome small park down there, unfortunately my fingers were too frozen for me to take pictures at that point. Best rock formations I've seen that far downtown.


 Edging (with hand for scale...)

 Great patch of Euphorbia

 Super comfortable looking non-homeless-deterring benches
(technical term)

 Minimalistic fencing (notice that people stand in the middle for no reason..)

 Beautiful Cyclamen

Bergenia 'Winter glow' One of my favorites

 Fancy irrigation hook up (and Yucca 'Gold Sword' and random weed)

 Crazy trellises

 Cardinal and some grasses

 Ugliest sacrificial-altar-chess-boards I've ever seen.

Proper, washable, surface on a dogrun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph, Love your blog, its great. When I come visit, I would love to spend time with you seeing the conservancy. I would love to visit the highline too.
    Big cactus show happening soon. Are you looking for something specific...Send me your want list.
    Love ya. Ma
